Our 10,290 square foot facility provides a safe, clean and comfortable environment for children with cognitive disabilities to enjoy their time while learning important social skills and habits through play.
3-13 Years
Hours of Operation
School Days - 7am to 6:30pm
School Breaks and Summer Vacation - 7am to 6:30pm
1555 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 111, Mesa AZ 85204
Gilbert Rd and Hwy 60
Program Details:
Each child is paired with a hand-chosen personal provider to focus on personal habilitation goals as well as a number of activities focused on:
- Music and Movement
- Language and Reading
- Creativity and Artwork
- Groos / Fine Motor Skills
- Personaly Hygeine and Grooming
Weekly Programs
Our weekly program focuses on assisting children with his/her individual habilitation goals. Providers then work directly witht he family to help children master the habilitation goals, as well as any other informal goals the family has for their child. Additionally, children participate in group programs, socialization activities, field trips, and more. (Available in Home, Center-Based, or both).
Parents Night Out
Parents and children alike need a "fun night". Once a quarter we stay open from 6pm to 9pm just for kids. Fun activities, movies and child appropriate games, movies and activities provide a fun atmosphere for your little-one while you have a night out taking care of you!
Seasonal Celebrations
ASCF provides seasonal fun throughout the year to celebrate seasons and holidays.